Expositie in het woonhuis en atelier van Marcel van Hoef te Nederweert.

Marcel van Hoef (NL))
Paintings in egg tempera

Maria ten Kortenaar (NL)
Objects in porcelain

Studio Job (NL)
Object in bronze

Sabine Lintzen (DE)
Objects in glass

Marti de Greef (NL) Beelden in brons

Marco Käller (NL) Objecten in staal


Opening hours:

Van 7 t/m 29 juni is de expositie elke zaterdag en zondag van 11.00 – 17.00 uur zonder afspraak te bezoeken. Tevens geopend op tweede Pinksterdag, maandag 9 juni ook van 11.00 – 17.00 uur.
Admission is free.

Private view by appointment

It is possible to make an appointment for a private view from monday untill friday. Daytime or evening whatever suits you best, I look forward to welcome you at the exhibition! A private view is possible individually or with a group up to 20 people.

Online view and sale of artworks

Vanaf 5 juni 2025 kunt u op deze website de gehele collectie van de expositie  bekijken. Images of all available artworks are shown for each artist. 

If you are interested in purchasing one or more works of art you can contact me by phone or e-mail for information about price, reservation for purchase and possibilities of a trail placement.

Impressie Openingsexpositie 2024